AGOL login with NetID

ArcGIS Online login process using your UConn NetID

If you do not have a UConn issued AGOL account, email to request one.  To verify your affiliation with UConn, all requests for AGOL accounts should be sent from your UConn email (with at the end).

Access to ArcGIS Pro and ArcGIS Online (AGOL) are made available through your NetID.  Instead of the ArcGIS login, log in by selecting “Your ArcGIS organization’s URL“.  For the organization URL, enter “connecticut” to pull up the NetID login screen.

Step 1:

AGOL sign on page. Arrow pointing to the option to use your organizations URL


The most common problem is not selecting to use Your ArcGIS Organization’s URL to login.


Step 2.

ESRI SSO box. Arrow pointing to the big blue button with the word UConn on it.


Step 3.

UConn NetID sign-on graphic


4. You should now be redirected back to the ESRI function you were using before the login process started


If you cannot remember your NetID password, follow online recovery instructions at

Contact Rich Mrozinski if you experience problems logging in with your NetID.


updated:  07-31-2024